The Politics of Race

To the Editor:
It is becoming clear that Donald Trump and the Republican Party are continuing to count on the White backlash to the Obama years to ensure their political majority in 2018 and 2020, that and gerrymandering and voter suppression   Mike Pence’s media stunt of abruptly leaving the Indianapolis Colts game could have not been more blatant to that end, and the NFL  seems now so afraid of losing its fan base that it has joined in on the platform.  One has to wonder how Black athletes feel about being thrown under the bus and how might they react.  Steve Bannon may no longer have a position in the White House, but he is still dominating both the political narrative and the Republican agenda.

Robert Porath

Tierra Nueva


Tierra Nueva

In this random pick-up-sticks, double helix

Melting pot amalgam and gene pool diaspora

Of multiracial physiognomy, skin color,

And multilingual saga, rhythm, and song

Of European, African, Asian, Semitic,

And Native Peoples world and voice

That is La Tierra Nueva, Las Americas,

What is it, here today, to be a person,

To be, certifiably, a human being,

And can we, that being, intervene

Upon our predisposed tribal fears,

Prejudice, and self judgement of value

And humanity based on heritage,

Wealth, gender, and skin tone?

Can or can’t we?  Are we, the People,

This mixed breed, capable or culpable?

Proper Austerity

To the Editor:
    Seeing that the economic collapse was caused by the questionable dealings of high finance, it is completely irrational that average citizens, be they American, Greek, Italian, Spanish, Irish, Portuguese, or Icelandic, be facing austeriy measures when none are being placed on institutions of high finance.  What would make sense, in a spirit of “shared sacrifice”, are outside regulation and oversight of the banking industry, a tax on Wall Street transactions, including especially computer trading, renewed tariffs on imported products, and tax breaks for companies bringing jobs back to America, not taking them away.  In simple words, put the penalties where they belong.